Greetings!  This is the personal blog space for Brian Knudtson.  I mainly blog about IT and IT Marketing related items. I may also touch on a number of other topics that may catch my fancy.

I am currently open to new job opportunities. Most recently, I was the Director for Product Market Intelligence for 11:11 Systems where I evaluated and educated the market around cloud computing, security, and connectivity.  In the past, I’ve worked as a web developer, webmaster, systems analyst, systems administrator, implementation engineer, design architect, and technical marketing.  I’ve also started and led the Omaha VMUG, written for, put on the VMunderground and Opening Acts events at VMworld, hosting The CloudBytes Podcast, and have been a regular personality in the VMware community for the last 15+ years.  Details are all available on LinkedIn.

You can find me on Twitter and Mastodon.

Though I may occasionally blog about my employers and interesting companies, my blogging efforts on this website are in no way influenced by and in no way attempt to represent any other people or companies.  This is purely my personal space.  Any items on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are completely my own drivel.


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