I’m now a month in at iland (and yes, it’s spelled all lowercase, not “Apple case”). I’ve spent most of this time meeting the new team, learning the ropes of the new company, learning the underlying technologies, and getting to know the products iland has developed. It’s your typical firehose situation. Often when starting a …
Category Archives: Cloud
Looking forward to a new iland
Nope, the title is not a typo. Trust me, it’s punny. A job change is always a big deal. The frequency we change jobs in the IT field confounds people who are in other career fields, but I don’t think that makes it any easier. Even working remotely, strong bonds of friendship and respect are …
VMWorld – Day 2: The Best of Times and the Worst of Times
Started Tuesday with the Maritz/Herrod keynote. I have to say that this was probably the best keynote I’ve seen at any of the VMWorlds. The message was relatively clear, they transitioned well from one topic to another and stuck with a common theme through all three speakers. It started with a short video “explaining” the concept …
VMWorld 2009 Day 3: VMware vCloud Initiative
VMware’s initial focus for releasing the vCloud Initiative is to assist customers to bridge the current datacenter to the future Cloud. 150,000 customers are already standardizing on VMware, which has definitely prepared them for the this evolution. VMware’s main focuses with their initiative are: Enterprise Ready, Choice and Application Compatibility. All this is rolled up into the …
The Cloud Has Landed
Well, today was the big day that all of us with VMware NDAs plastered all over our cube walls have been waiting for: The official launch of VMware vSphere 4 (and the lifting of a heavy gag order). There has been much going on today between the regular line up of expected blog posts and …